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VANKYO Leisure 3W Mini Projector

I have bought a few things over the years from amazon that have been helpful, fun, and interesting and on and on. It’s amazing to me, Amazon that is. Well, recently, I was asked to write a review on a product that I purchased from the company itself. I bought this out of curiosity but also for my son who loves to watch one of his favorite things on You Tube and that is Singing Monsters. I project it on the wall in his room and he loves it. And for the price I cannot believe you can get this much light power. Amazing. Here is my feedback on the Vankyo Mini Projector

VANKYO Leisure 3W Mini Projector with Synchronize Smartphone Screen

We bought this for our 5-year-old son. So much time at home this year helped us make this decision.  As Halloween was approaching, I was looking forward to having some fun with this gadget as it works well for do-it-yourself Halloween fun.


First off, it is very bright for a medium sized room. If you can get it nice and dark this really puts out a great image. The sharpness is exceptionally fine and so does my son.  When I get the position of the image and it’s in focus it is amazingly good. It has both a keystoning level and focus knob on the top behind the lens. The focus does what it suggests and the keystoning level helps “square up” your projection if you are not shooting straight on to the wall. When using the projector recently I have had problems with the focusing ring. As I turn it in either direction the lens is not moving. I am going to contact customer support on this to see what can be done. I will update on how support helps me with this issue.

The mini projector has a large group of inputs and this is where I have to say, it works best with a Google cast or its equivalent. Once I plugged my Google cast into the HDMI slot and fired up you tube this took on the life I was hoping out of this little machine.

It has, on the amazon spot, info on this:

How to Realize Wireless Screen Mirroring?

It suggests you buy a box.

I have not been able to realize screen mirroring. Somehow this makes your smart phone work wirelessly with the projector but for as simple as they make the set up, I cannot get this to work. Again, this is where my google cast works great.

Once again with all this wireless gadgetry, I have about a 50/50 chance of it working right away. I must noodle with it quite a bit but once it's up and running I have a fun time with my new gadgets! It is also an attractive projector and looks exactly like a baby projector to the big boys you see in a sports bar or conference room. But of course, thousands of dollars cheaper.

It has a fan to keep it cool and its quiet. You can still hear it and if you are sitting next to the vents you can also feel the heat. That said, it is still incredible for the size. As far as sound goes the built-in speaker is not that bad, but its quality is so-so. Again, you can find workarounds especially for this unit which is so incredibly priced. Please keep in mind, for its cost it produces a lot for your entertainment dollar.


Light Weight/Quiet/Attractive/Sharp Focus/Fun to project/Easy to set up with Chrome Cast (specifically)/Nice Case $$$/Accessories/Cables/Price is Great


Wireless Features Clunky/Hard to establish phone to projector Connection/A bit Hot/Loud but I can overlook this.

NYC-Places To Get Headshots Done!

Shooting “Studio” Headshots in New York City is a Creative Challenge! Photographers need space to shoot in and space in Manhattan is at a ridiculous breaking point in terms of $$$$. Unless you are a terribly busy and or a well-known photographer you may have a studio. But many times, the reality is you must work with a limited amount of space unless you are sharing a studio with 7 others in Manhattan and 5 others in Brooklyn. If its LinkedIn Head shots, Executive head shots, or even Lifestyle, shooting in Manhattan is a convenience for many as travel time outside the Burroughs can be time consuming. I have seen a wide range of offerings from other Photographers and everyone is able to make it work! If you need headshots, feel free to reach out to me for free advice, it is free! As a bonus I have a time lapse I am sharing to show how I shot an executive portrait photo. As two additional bonuses I am sharing Indiana Kwongs article Complete Guide to a Great Headshot” A great Headshot 101 Info Page and Pixpas, Headshot Photography - 7 Tips to Take Professional Headshots to keep on hand.

Read More:

Indiana Kwongs article Complete Guide to a Great Headshot

Pixpas, Headshot Photography - 7 Tips to Take Professional Headshots

First impressions are the most lasting.

photographer liability insurance-Just in CASE!!

photographer liability insurance

Photographers who need to look into Liability Insurance should consider APA. You may not need it now or at a certain point in your career, but photographers like myself that live in York City, or major cities need this and use it regularly. If for example, we are shooting a portrait of a business/finance person we need this insurance to get into the buildings as they all require a hefty premium in case something goes wrong. Of course, light stands fall and in New York City corporate offices there are major pieces of artwork everywhere. Or just hurt someone in general. Not private property but physical property. You need insurance for that and for disability. I think it's roughly a $1000 a year and includes your photography equipment insurance as well. Contact Karen Stetz at APA Insurance Services and please tell her Donald Bowers sent you. She is excellent and she responds ASAP. There are some jobs I just would not be able to do if I didn't have this insurance. Another good practice is to join APA. There you will get discounts on insurance and also annual photo contests.

As an additional bonus and link to one other example of a photographers’’ insurance, an informative read is Pixpas take on the photo industries Insurance needs as well.

Photographer model release form APP-My Life Just Got Easier!

Easy Release Model Release App Is For Sure One Or My Favorite Apps.

Shooting, paperwork, keywords and titles for Stock photography or sales of images in general is very very time consuming. The Easy Release Model Release app makes everything much easier on the paper, model and property release side. People can sign their name right on your phone (for model and property release) and a picture can be taken of them to highlight who it is. Then immediately a PDF and Jpeg e-mail is generated and the release to both you and the model can be achieved. I believe it was $5 on Google play worth every penny. Much more organized looking, professional and all of the major stock companies except this format. No more scanning of adding pictures re sizing etc.

Below is an example of The Easy Release Form. It is super organized and looks quite nice. Super Efficient and saves quite a bit of time on paper work.

A video showing the details of how The Easy Release App works so well for Working Commercial Photographers.

Do Photographers Complain Often? Or are they like any other Career Individual?

I stumbled upon another great article from Fstoppers. Entitled Eight Annoying Things Photographers Do That Harm the Industry. (By Paul Adshead)

His List, I broke down, is as follows:

1. By Being Creepy

2. Forgetting Manners

3. Name-Dropping Too Much

4. Not Giving Credit on Social Media

5. Breaking Promises

6. Obsessing Over Gear

7. Rejecting Any Kind of Criticism or Suggestions


8. Telling Lies

The read is interesting as there is a well written and detailed response under each segment. Worth checking out for certain. The one I responded to the most was #7 Rejecting Any Kind of Criticism or Suggestions. Now this goes both ways sharing AND receiving. If the ego is to controlled to accept criticism, this will not help. But at the same time I have received excellent criticism and also just down right insults disguised as criticism. You have to think both through. Giving criticisms takes some thought if your truly want it to help another. And the same goes coming back.