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Did I tell you about the time I created a Disney Mickey Mouse Out of Revlon Nail Polish?

I had been working, as a commercial photographer does, with nail polish. Well, let us say a raw material that just happens to be nail polish. I was considering: painting, high gloss, Revlon products and well, a well known graphic.

My challenge was to come up with that well known graphic and do it with those materials and have it read quickly and without a doubt. It came around quite quickly. Spilling nail polish in various sized circle shapes next to one another was how I began. High Gloss Enamel pours nice and smooth. The spilled colors do not blend so quickly when touched against another color. I wanted to avoid for that for the time being as, again, this was color shapes in hopes of a recognizable silhouette. I guess what I came up with maybe in the top 10 of the world's most instantly identifiable profiles in all honesty. I should look that up. Top Ten Most Recognizable Silhouettes In The World: So I poured and poured and cleaned and looked and tried to see something. What time frame do you think this took me? 5hours? More? Not really. It came down to 2 hours of pouring cleaning up with cleaner and then doing it again a few more times. It was during this spill/clean period that I started to see the colors next to one another. Can we all agree Walt Disney in most of its incarnations is well-loved if not adored by many people? With that said, I was not headed or inspired in any direction. As I said, I was about to do some spills and chills to get some thrills, and oh well, you get the point. Color and silhouette make or break this particular image down into its key components—especially the big yellow shoes and, of course, ears. I think this is when I nailed it with the vision and then smoothed some pieces out in photoshop. I also positioned in photoshop and dropped in the buttons on his pants. There you have it. A fun-loving nail polished created silhouette of one of the world's most recognizable cartoon animals. Revlon Make-up And A Very Recognizable Disney Mickey Mouse Profile Made out of Nail-Polish. How I achieved the Impossible and how you can as well.